Baby Showers for New Hope
Throw a baby shower for New Hope and help bless new moms and dads. It's a great way to show support for these brave women and men who have chosen life for their children!
Time & Location
Your church or organization
Time of your Choice
About the Event
We recognize the overwhelming feeling our clients experience when they don’t have adequate resources when considering if they will choose life. In fact, clients have repeatedly stated that when they were presented with tangible resources, they were able to consider choosing life for their unborn children.
Hosting a Gift Card Shower is an easy yet powerful way to partner with us and directly meet the needs of our moms.
Throw a simple and fun party and invite guests to bring baby items and/or gift cards that will be given on an as-needed basis to new moms in our center. A representative from New Hope can come and make a brief presentation and feature stories of women who have been helped at New Hope.
For the Host – Gift Card Shower Success:
- Request gift cards be given in denominations of $10-$25.
- Request gift cards from stores where moms can easily get the majority of their children’s needs met, such as places like Target, Walmart, etc.
- Encourage the donor to include a card to accompany the gift card, further encouraging the new mom and dad.
Gift card showers are a great idea for all types of community groups. Small groups from churches, missions organizations, businesses, VBS groups, moms groups, homeschoolers, and singles groups and many others have participated in helping to meet the tangible needs of our clients.
In addition to donating gift cards, we have also had local churches and groups in the community throw baby showers for our patients, to bless those that have chosen to parent their children.
Would your group/church consider hosting a baby shower for our new moms and dads? It is unfortunately not uncommon to find patients who do not have anyone pouring into them or encouraging them. Our clients could use tangible support but we would also love for a group to come alongside our patients to speak to them about God’s everlasting love for them.
Some of our previous clients have been blessed with groups who have thrown them a baby shower. It is always such a special time and for many of our patients, it is the only baby shower they receive.
We would love to help assist you. To organize an amazing outreach to benefit our clients, please contact us for more information.