How does the adoption process work at New Hope?
There are no words for the feeling you get when you first discover that you may be pregnant. Even when you see it coming, a pregnancy can throw anyone into a tailspin. The unknown can be daunting, but you do not have to face this alone. New Hope Family Services will be there for you while you navigate this journey. We will walk you through all your options in a caring, supportive environment
First Steps
If you think you may be pregnant or are experiencing signs of pregnancy, come in for an appointment and take a pregnancy test. Afterwards, we will set you up with a free ultrasound to confirm and assess your pregnancy. This will tell us how far along you are and the viability of your pregnancy. It is important to remember that at-home pregnancy tests are an indicator of pregnancy, not a confirmation. After your ultrasound, we walk you through all your options. We will show you what each option looks like and what it means for you and your child. Whether it is parenting, adoption, or abortion we have accurate information on all your choices.
If you are interested in learning more about adoption, you are in the right place. New Hope Family Services, Inc. is a private, voluntary, non-profit corporation that is authorized by the New York State Department of Social Services to provide adoption and related counseling services. One of our Birthparent Advocates can meet with you to provide more information and answer any questions you may have about adoption. Our Birthparent Advocates will walk alongside you in this decision-making process and help you decide if adoption is right for you and your child.
Types of Adoptions

There are three types of adoption that are available to you. Open adoption gives you many choices. There are many different variations of open adoptions which change the level of involvement you have with your baby. You could choose to stay personally involved in the child’s life. Whether it be going to birthday parties or phone calls you get to figure out what your involvement in their life looks like. Not only do you get to decide your involvement before the adoption is finalized but you also reserve the right to change it later.
Semi-open adoption gives expectant moms the ability to receive pictures and connect with the adoptive family. It is often facilitated by a third party. Semi-open adoption styles greatly range from one to the next. However, with any option, the choice is entirely up to the expectant mother.
Closed adoption is where the record of the biological parent is sealed. Like other options, this choice is entirely up to the expectant mother.
Choosing Adoption
You can choose the family for your child: You have control over who raises your child. You can look through our approved adoptive families to choose the one who is right for you.
You can choose to have contact with your child after the adoption has taken place: You can decide what level of openness you would like in your adoption. You have the option to get letters and picture updates of your child a few times a year, as well as have in-person visits. Or you could choose to have no contact. You can choose what is best for you and your family.
It is free: All our adoption services provided to expectant mothers are free of charge.
Adoptive parents are carefully screened: All our adoptive families here at New Hope go through an intense interview, training, and background screening process prior to becoming approved. If you choose adoption, you can rest assured that your child will be in a safe, loving, and healthy environment.
You are not alone: Our Birthparent Advocates will provide support for you throughout the entire process, even after the adoption takes place. They offer support services including phone calls, texts, and in-person meetings for as long as you need before, during, and after the adoption.
Whether you decide to make an adoption plan or not, we will support you throughout your pregnancy and provide counseling and resources. Make an appointment today for free pregnancy services and to learn more about adoption and all your options